Anti-Virus - Disc 5
AntiGen - Version 1.02 |
A public service from Fresh Software to anyone concerned about the "Back Orifice" trojan horse. AntiGen will detect, clean, and destroy the Back Orifice trojan horse from your computer, automatically. AntiGen uses a wizard interface and is very easy to use. |
AntiViral Toolkit Pro - Version 3.0 build 126 |
Complete prevention, detection, and elimination of thousands of computer viruses and trojan horse programs. Virus scans recursively within ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LHA, LZH, ZIP2EXE, RARSFX, ARJSFX, and LHASFX archives, and additionally, PKLITE, EXEPACK, DIET, LZEXE, COMPACK, and COM2COM runtime compression. Also, virus scans within FX-LOCK, CPAV, and FILESHIELD immunized programs. Decrypts and searches within CRYPTCOM, CRYPTCOM-B, DROPPER-A, DROPPER-B, DROPPER-C, DROPPER-D, ENCRCOM/EXE and PROTECT 4.0 en |
Bootprotect - Version 3.0 |
A simple but effective tool for Windows 95 to preventbootvirus infections. Bootviruses can infect your computer when you reboot your computer with a disk in your A-drive. Every time the user shuts down his computer, BootProtect will detect drives that still contain a disk. Then it warns the user and tells him to remove the disk. BootProtect also has an option to, if the drive is a CD-ROM drive, automatically open the CD-ROM drive's door instead of showing a warning dialog, and it can play a soun |
FIBER Anti Virus for Windows 95 - Version 1.20 |
A comprehensive toolkit designed to protect, detect and recover your PC from the computer viruses. While FIBER Anti Virus focuses heavily on numerous ways to prevent a virus infection, the package would not be complete without various cleaner programs to purge a system, in the unlikelyevent that a virus manages to slip through. The package therefore consists of a number of programs each of which help you to prevent viruses to do their destructive jobs. |
Garrison - Version 1.06 |
A brand new front end for users of Dr Solomon's AVTK for Windows 95, giving you easy visual access to all features of the AVTK and relieving you from use of commandline options, in one window which allows you to quickly see everything you need to see. Virus scanning and repair with FindVirus, integrity checking with ViVerify, WinGuard, the Virus Encyclopedia and the Scedule Editor are all fully supported and accessible with Garrison. |
MacroVirusBUSTER - Version 3.03 |
Automatically scans both Word and Excel documents before they are opened. It scans all your E-mail and downloaded documents via the Internet in "Real Time". Unlike the other anti-virus programs, MacroVirusBUSTER does not need updates. |
NetBus Protector Manager - Version 1.0 |
Designed to prevent the entry of other machine. Permitting to simulate the connetion, send single message to the remote machine, or to send infinite messages. |
Panda Antivirus Platinum - Version 6.01.00 |
Not only integrates perfectly into the Win95/98 desktop and Active Channels, but is also the first antivirus in the world to scan at the WINSOCK level. Aside from its Sentinel residentdriver, Panda Antivirus Platinum comes with an E-Mail and Internet Protection Resident that will scan POP3, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, and NNTP traffic real-time. Regardless of your e-mail, web or ftp client, Panda Antivirus Platinum is the best antivirus to keep your PC virus free. Also scans and disinfects known Trojan Hor |
PC-Cillin - Version 6.0 Beta |
Which won numerous awards from publications such as Windows Magazine and PC Computing, has been retooled and re-powered to thwart both new and old virus threats in the Internet age. |
Protector Plus for Windows 95/98 - Version 6.5.A06 |
An anti-virus software designed for Windows 95 and 98. It has an on-line program and a manual scan and clean program to detect and remove all types of viruses. The software is easy to install and use. Monthly upgrades can be downloaded free of cost from our web site. |